
How to register my trademark in Chile? INAPI

Matías Otero Hameau
May 6, 2024
5 min read


In the competitive business world, a company's identity is as important as its products or services. Register your trademark in Chile at INAPI is a fundamental strategy that guarantees the protection and value of your business. In this article, we'll explore the importance of registering your trademark in Chile at INAPI, addressing every aspect relevant to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.


What is trademark registration?

Trademark registration is the process by which a company protects its business identity through the official recognition of its trademark by a regulatory entity. In Chile, this entity is the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI). By registering a trademark, the company acquires exclusive rights over its use, preventing other entities from using its identity in an improper or misleading manner.


Why register a trademark in Chile?

Registering a trademark in Chile offers a series of benefits and protections that are vital to the success and longevity of a business.

Legal protection

Registering a trademark provides strong legal protection, preventing third parties from using a company's name or logo without your permission. This ensures that the company's identity and reputation are protected, preventing the misuse of its brand.

Competitive advantage

Having a registered trademark provides a competitive advantage by allowing consumers to easily identify the company's products or services. Not only does this differentiate the company from its competitors, but it also makes it easier to build a loyal customer base.

Business Reputation

The brand is an intangible asset of great value. Registering a trademark reinforces a company's reputation, providing trust to consumers and ensuring that products or services are recognized and respected in the market.

Avoid legal conflicts

Registering a trademark helps avoid legal conflicts with other companies that may attempt to use a similar name or logo. This prevents costly litigation and ensures that the company can operate without interruption.


INAPI trademark registration process

Registering a trademark with INAPI involves following a well-defined process that guarantees the legal protection of the trademark. From now on I recommend you to my friends from NSS Chile, an expert law firm in the corporate area who will help you with everything you need to register your trademark in Chile. Anyway, we share the INAPI process with you:

Previous search

The first step in the registration process is to perform a prior search to ensure that the trademark you want to register is no longer in use. INAPI offers tools that facilitate this search, allowing companies to verify the availability of their brand.

Request for registration

Once the previous search has been done, the next step is to submit the registration request. This request includes detailed information about the brand, such as its name, logo, and description of the products or services to which it will apply.

In-depth examination

After submitting the application, INAPI performs a substantive examination to assess whether the trademark meets the legal requirements for registration. This examination includes a review of the brand's originality and its ability to distinguish itself from other existing brands.

Publication in the Official Journal

If the trademark passes the substantive examination, it is published in the Official Gazette to allow third parties to file oppositions if they believe that the trademark infringes their rights. This stage is crucial to ensure that the brand does not create conflicts with other registered trademarks.

Opposition from third parties

During the opposition period, third parties may object to the trademark. If oppositions are filed, INAPI will evaluate the claims and decide if the trademark can be registered.

INAPI resolution

Finally, INAPI issues a resolution that decides if the trademark will be registered or not. If approved, the company acquires exclusive rights to the brand, ensuring its legal protection.


Types of registrable marks

There are several types of brands that can be registered with INAPI, each with its own characteristics and advantages.

Nominative brands

Nominative marks are those that consist only of words or letters. These brands focus on the brand name, without any additional design or visual element.

Figurative marks

Figurative marks are those that consist solely of images or symbols. These brands focus on visual elements that distinguish the company.

Mixed brands

Mixed brands combine nominative and figurative elements, creating a brand that includes both words and images. This type of brand is commonly used by companies that want to protect both their name and their logo.

Three-dimensional markings

Three-dimensional marks are those that protect the three-dimensional shape of an object. These brands are ideal for products with unique shapes that want to protect their visual identity.


Advantages of registering your trademark

Registering your trademark with INAPI offers several advantages that can be crucial to the success of your business.

Exclusive rights

Registering a trademark gives you exclusive rights to its use, which prevents other companies from using the trademark without authorization. This provides full control over the company's identity and its use in the market.

Brand value

A trademark has a tangible value that can increase over time. This value can be exploited through licenses, franchises or even the sale of the brand, generating additional income for the company.

Business Expansion

Registering a trademark facilitates business expansion, allowing the company to enter new markets with a clear and protected identity. This is especially important for companies that plan to grow nationally or internationally.

Preventing unauthorized use

A registered trademark prevents unauthorized use of the company's identity, ensuring that only the company has the right to use its name or logo. This protects the company's reputation and prevents confusion among consumers.


Consequences of not registering your trademark

Failure to register a trademark can have negative consequences for the business.

Legal insecurity

Without a registered trademark, a company has no legal protection over its identity. This creates legal uncertainty and leaves the company vulnerable to others using its name or logo without authorization.

Loss of reputation

If another company uses a company's name or logo without authorization, it can damage its reputation. This is especially problematic if the other company offers lower quality products or services.

Obstacles to expanding

Without a registered trademark, a company may face obstacles to expanding, as other companies may use its name or logo in new markets, creating confusion among consumers.

Possible lawsuits

If a company uses a name or logo that is already registered by another company, it may face trademark infringement lawsuits. This can result in costly litigation and damage to the company's reputation.


Costs associated with trademark registration

Registering a trademark with INAPI involves certain costs that must be considered.


INAPI charges fees for trademark registration, which vary depending on the type of brand and the number of products or services you want to protect. These fees are an investment in legal brand protection.

Attorney Fees

Although not required, many companies choose to hire an attorney who specializes in intellectual property to handle the registration process. These fees may vary, but they provide peace of mind and ensure that the process is carried out correctly.

Legal Defense Costs

If there are objections or conflicts related to the brand, there may be additional costs associated with legal defense. These costs are important to protect the company's rights.



What is INAPI?

INAPI, or the National Institute of Industrial Property, is the government entity responsible for registering and protecting industrial property in Chile, including trademarks, patents and industrial designs.

How long does the registration process take?

The trademark registration process in Chile can take between 6 and 12 months, depending on the complexity of the case and whether there are oppositions.

How much does it cost to register a trademark in Chile?

The cost of registering a trademark in Chile varies depending on the type of trademark and the number of products or services that you want to protect. NSS Chile It is a safe letter to complete this registration

Do I need to hire an attorney to register a trademark?

It is not mandatory, but it is advisable to hire an attorney specialized in intellectual property to ensure that the registration process is carried out correctly and to handle potential oppositions.

Can I register a trademark without using it?

In Chile, a trademark can be registered without using it, but it must be used within 5 years after registration to avoid cancellation.

What if someone uses my brand without authorization?

If someone uses a trademark without authorization, the trademark owner can file a trademark infringement lawsuit, which can result in penalties and the cessation of unauthorized use.

Registering your trademark in Chile with INAPI is crucial to protect the identity and value of your business. By doing so, you ensure legal protection, improve your reputation and prevent future conflicts. Whether you're starting a new business or looking to expand an existing one, Register your brand it's a vital step that you shouldn't ignore.

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